Going Live

After successfully integrating and testing your solution, you can start processing live transactions with just a few lines of code.
Follow these steps to go live:
  1. Let us know that you are ready to go live by contacting us.
  2. We will set you up to access the live Gateway Manager.
  3. After you have the Gateway Manager access credentials, complete the following steps.
Switching from Mock to Live Mode
To use Live Mode, apply the following settings:
  • On the PayServer side:
    In the
    file (located in the
    folder), create
    with the correct
    setting. You can find examples of how to create USB and WiFi card readers in the
    located in the same folder. Make sure you delete any Mock devices you might have created for testing purposes.
  • On the client side:
    • For the PayClient implementation: When connecting, pass
      , depending on your firewall requirements.
    • For the P3 implementation: In the
      message, make sure that you set
      "providerMode": "LIVE"
      "providerMode": "LIVE_FIXED"
      , depending on your firewall requirements.
    • Make sure you are using Live devices in your implementation.
For multi-merchant solutions storing merchant credentials in their backend: Remember to initialize the integration with the appropriate
pair retrieved from your backend.
Setting Up Your Merchants
  1. Create your merchants in the Live Gateway Manager.
  2. Attach the correct processing path and assign readers to them as described in Merchant Setup Overview.
  3. Use the newly created Merchant Identifier and Secret Key credentials to process live transactions.